





(a) 顧客可於購貨時簽署「法定除舊服務選取紀錄」即可;或

(b) 於交易後3日內致電 2384 1915 向本公司提出要求,逾期作放棄除舊服務處理。


(a) 一般情況下,須預留3個工作天安排除舊服務

(b) 在顧客指定的日期,到顧客指定的地點移走舊件

(c) 星期日及公眾假期休息


(a) 除舊服務與送貨及安裝服務分開處理,等待移除的舊件可按需要較先移走,或短暫存放於移除地點,稍後才移走,顧客可與職員安排

(b) 舊件一經收取,恕不退回

(c) 舊件必須獨立放置,脫離任何裝置、連接系統、或有障礙的存放位置

(d) 若舊件有嚴重的衛生問題(例如:有餿汁殘渣、蟑螂、螞蟻),工作人員有權拒絕移走該舊件,消費者亦不會再享有免費的除舊服務

(e) 顧客如需更改已約定的除舊服務地點或時間,請於至少2個工作天內致電通知

(f) 如遇上黑色暴雨警告 /八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號,除舊服務將會暫停,並另作安排

(g) 於約定的除舊時間,因交通或天氣情況,或其它因素影響有所延誤、暫停或改期,本公司恕不負任何責任

(h) 顧客、聯絡人的個人資料只作除舊服務用途,本公司將會遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港法例第486章)處理

(i) 如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終的決定權。


空調機: 包括獨立式及分體式空調機,屬氣冷式或氣暖式(或兩者),其額定製冷量不超過7.5千瓦(即3匹)。
洗衣機: 其額定洗衣量不超過10公斤。
電冰箱: 其總容積不超過500公升。
電視機: 其顯示屏幕的尺寸不超過100吋(以對角斜角量度)。
電 腦: 包括個人電腦、桌上電腦、平板電腦、手提電腦及筆記簿電腦。
列印機: 其重量不超過30公斤; 如同時用作影印機、圖文傳真機或掃描器,仍視作列印機。
掃描器: 其重量不超過30公斤。
顯示器: 不具備儲存電子數據或運算的功能; 其顯示屏幕的尺寸為5.5吋至100吋內(以對角斜角量度)。

Chinson Computer System
Removal Service Terms and Conditions

1. Applicable conditions

Customers who purchase regulated electrical appliances, including air conditioners, washing machines and refrigerators, as specified in the Producer Eco-Responsibility Ordinance, can request free removal service for the same type and quantity of used electrical appliances (only applicable to the same type of regulated electrical appliances [Note 1]).

2. Location

Any premises in Hong Kong.

3. When to make request

(a) When a customer signs the Record of Choice of Removal Service; or

(b) Customers can request removal service by calling us at 2384 1915 within 3 days after the transaction. Late request will be deemed as no requests for the removal service.

4. Timing of the removal service

(a) Under normal circumstances, 3 working days are required for arranging the removal service.

(b) The old items at the customers' designated locations will be removed on the date specified by the customers.

(c) No removal service is available on Sundays and public holidays.

5. Remarks

(a) The removal service may be different from the delivery and installation service. The old items pending removal can be removed in advance or placed temporarily at the premises for collection later as appropriate. Customers can contact us for arrangement.

(b) The old items will not be returned once collected.

(c) The old items must stand-alone and be freed from other connections or obstacles.

(d) If the old items have serious hygiene issues (e.g. rancid foods, presence of cockroaches and ants, etc.), our staff will have the right not to remove such items, and there will be no more free removal service for the customers.

(e) Customers shall give no less than 2 working days' notice in respect of any request for change of delivery time, date and/or place.

(f) In the event of a Black Rainstorm Warning / Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above, the removal service will be suspended and rescheduled.

(g) The company shall not be liable for any delay, suspension or rescheduling due to traffic or adverse weather conditions or other factors.

(h) All personal data are for the purpose of arranging removal service for the old items only and the company shall comply fully with the obligations and requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).

(i) In case of any disputes, the decision of the company shall be final.


Note 1
Air conditioners - including single package type and split type air conditioners, air-cooled or air heated (or both), with a rated cooling capacity not exceeding 7.5 kilowatts (3HP).
Washing machines - with a rated washing capacity not exceeding 10 kg.
Refrigerators - with a total storage volume not exceeding 500 liters.
Televisions - the size of its display screen not exceeding 100 inches (measured diagonally)
Computers - generally including personal computer, desktop computer, tablet computer, laptop computer and notebook computer.
Printers - not exceeding 30 kg in weight; one that can be used as a photocopier, facsimile transmitter or scanner is nevertheless regarded as a printer.
Scanners - not exceeding 30 kg.
Monitors - not having the function of storing electronic data or computing, the size of the display screen is not smaller than 5.5 inches (measured diagonally) but not exceeding 100 inches (measured diagonally).