CHINSON COMPUTER SYSTEM is set up for the purpose of serving the business community in Hong Kong with a total resolution in information automation.

CHINSON'S guiding principle is to provide clients for their automation requirements with the most suitable hardware and software at reasonable costs.

CHINSON is not merely a software house to supply software or a hardware dealer to sell computer peripheral.

CHINSON is wishing to play the role as your EDP Department located outside your Company and to render intensive care and pay close attention to all of your needs in electronic data processing whereby you can save the troubles and costs in maintaining one of your own.

CHINSON is always at your service.

Chinson Computer System

Room 9, 19th Floor, Kodak House II,
39 Healthy Street East,
Quarry Bay, Hong Kong.

(852)3641 1666   (852)3641 1688
Last Update: 10/11/2006